Was Ron Wyatt an Adventist? And if so, what does it mean?

Many are wondering about what denomination Ron Wyatt belonged to, and what his beliefs were. False rumors are circulating, and we hear this question often, so it is time to set the record straight.

When Ron Wyatt was 12 years old, Seventh-Day Adventist evangelists visited his family which resulted in his early baptism. He then became a member of the Adventist church until his death in August 1999. That is over half a century. Ron Wyatt’s children remain Adventists to this day, and his wife who did not have an Adventist background received the Adventist prophetic doctrines and continues to believe them even over 25 years after Ron’s death. They are a testament to Ron’s stability in the faith and what he taught those close to him. People are now saying they knew Ron Wyatt and have been friends with him yet claim Ron was not an Adventist. Unfortunately, they are not telling the truth. Often such people use that they have met Ron Wyatt or visited Ron at one point as an argument for people to support their ministry and their doctrines.

Many take offense to even the idea that God would choose an Adventist to discover the Ark of The Covenant. As a result, some reject Ron Wyatt’s testimony on the grounds of him being an Adventist alone.

Others embrace the discoveries but are in denial about Ron’s beliefs, and some have simply spread the lie that Ron was not an Adventist so they can present their own ideology with the discoveries.

What is Adventism?

Adventism has been considered a deceptive organization by other protestants and evangelicals since its very beginning. The reason might surprise any objective person.

The word Adventist simply means “waiting” or “expecting someone” and relates to their hope of Christ’s imminent return.

The Advent movement began as they realized the 2300 prophecy in Daniel 8 was coming to its end. It was unclear what this prophecy pointed to, many hoped it was Christ’s second coming.

Adventism began in the mid-19th century in the USA, and its first members came from different protestant denominations. It is therefore a continuation of the protestant movement and not a new religion. They came out of a movement that believed Christ would come back after the 2300 prophecy in Daniel 8. When this did not happen at the end of the prophecy they re-examined the Bible verses and realized they had misunderstood the events. Studying the book of Hebrews led them to see that there is a sanctuary in heaven Christ ministers in that protestants had forgotten about. For years they studied the Bible to understand scriptures and doctrines, and very early on they realized that protestants were still keeping Papal instituted traditions and laws. Having rejected the Pope of Rome as Christ’s representative, they returned to the Biblical laws instituted by God instead. To follow Christ, meant to follow His example who never accepted the Religious leaders’ authority before God’s. Whenever a dispute like it came up, Jesus stood rock steady on God’s word over the traditions and assumptions of man.

Adventism grew fast, and its members came out from other churches.

The oldest form of Christianity had Jewish roots, not Roman religious. This ultimately meant that they had to stop going to church on Sunday and start going to church on the Biblical sabbath instead. The Sabbath of the bible is from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday, the same kept by Jews to this day. Thus Adventists got the name Seventh-Day Adventists, the name just referring to them keeping the Biblical sabbath as a symbol of their acceptance that God is their lawgiver in all religious questions and that they are eagerly waiting for Christ’s second coming. The change from Sunday back to the biblical sabbath was not received well by other Christian denominations. It made them the target of attacks from other evangelicals who called them legalists. Very ironic as they dismissed the Adventists for not following papal-instituted ordinances, so in reality everyone was keeping and defending a law not just Adventists. The idea the evangelists presented was that you could keep all church, governmental, and social laws without being branded a legalist, but only if you wished to keep God’s law were you a legalist. Adventists found this argument to not hold ground.

For Adventists, the Sabbath change was celebrated as it marked a big reformation from Rome’s apostasy and back towards the apostolic belief. Going back to God’s original law was also a final rejection of the Roman authority over the church.

They also defended their view by challenging other protestants and evangelicals by asking them to consider if they were following Christ or the Pope. This was met by anger.

The early Adventists used the Bible for all their doctrines and were determined to let the Bible explain the bible first and foremost. This was the base of the change of several of their doctrines. At the same time, they saw God’s spirit in the Reformation movements from the days of Luther until their own time, they just believed that the Reformation was ongoing still. However, Adventism claimed to have been blessed with the Spiritual gift of prophecy, especially through a woman named Ellen White. Her visions and dreams became the strength of the early movement in the sense that they felt God was keeping their courage up and that, as a result of going back to God’s law as well as having faith in Christ’s atonement, God was blessing them with spiritual gifts as promised.

Many protestants and evangelicals are taught by their pastors and teachers that early Adventist doctrines come from Ellen White, however this is not the case. Their doctrines came from Bible study, and Ellen White’s visions mostly confirmed these studies rather than being the origin of them.

There has been a “hate” campaign against the Adventist prophet Ellen White, usually based on lies. Few check if the accusations are true. All her books are found here . A defend page for her here.

In fact, most Adventist prophetic understandings were what protestants used to believe early on from the dawn of the Reformation movement. The 19th-century Adventist book ‘Daniel and Revelation’ by Uriah Smith, quotes and builds upon the work of protestant pioneers for most of the prophetic interpretations showing that it is evangelicals today that have drifted from their own forefathers’ understanding of prophecy. Adventism respected the work the early Protestants did and built upon it.

There was a great schism in evangelical understanding around the time of the Scofield bible and the likes of him who presented new prophetic understandings about the end time. Adventism did not follow them. In return, they were called a sect and disliked. The argument now is that Adventism was created by a false prophet, Ellen White, and therefore it is a lie. But this accusation is false testimony about the Adventist movement. Ellen White never even called herself a prophet, just a messenger. The evangelical movement produces thousands of false prophets, without them calling themselves a sect. Thus it is evident the hatred does not stem from the fear of a “false prophet” but something else.

Ellen White’s house was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1993 in the USA. When a fire swept over the region it burnt everything in the region and around this house, but did not burn this sign, house, and garden.
Ron Wyatt speaks about Ellen White.


Why are Adventists so hated?

Adventists started educating Christians
about God’s law and the
Sanctuary in heaven. Christ
and The Ark of their covenant
marked the beginning of their
movement. The picture shows a leader from the Adventist movement.

Adventists are hated by many evangelicals to this day. Some call them a cult, despite them counting over 20 million people worldwide. The reason might be found in the Bible. The change Adventists made from Sunday to Saturday exposed the other denominations to continuously following Papal authority. They were exposed as being willfully in conflict with Christ’s law, the Bible, the apostles, and the first Christians. Early Adventism also claimed to have been chosen by God to warn the other Christian denominations that if they did not return to God’s law and the Biblical culture, they would find themselves unprotected from the Devil’s arts and crafts. Pointing to the Bible, they warned their fellow Christians that if they rejected God’s law to follow the ways of the heathens in Christ’s name, they would lose their protection like Judah did. This would make them easy prey to their enemies.

Adventist newspaper from 1883.

Adventists claimed God had commissioned them to call on all their Christian brethren to “come out of Babylon” and return to God to be ready for Christ’s second coming.

This idea and message brought wrath against them, as protestants and evangelicals claimed God was still with them even if they would not go back to God’s laws.

The change of God’s law cannot be supported by scripture, it was easier for evangelicals to attack the Adventist prophet, rather than their Bible studies, and so Adventists are constantly the subject of ridicule and slander to this day. In the past decades, the Adventist call for people to reform has almost been completely silenced, and Adventist lay workers mostly carry this message out today.

The Early Adventist logo showed their mission, spreading the three angel messages in Revelation 14 to prepare the world for Christ’s second coming.

The second reason for the rejection of the Advent message might be found in Revelation 12 and 14. Both verses indicate that in the end time, there will be Christians following God’s original law and they are especially subjected to Satan’s hatred and are persecuted by the “Beast and his image”: “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Rev 12:17) “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus”(Rev 14:12) 

So the bible is clear that in the end time, there will be a people keeping the law as well as following Christ, and that they are Satan’s main target.

Why did God choose an Adventist to find the Ark?

The prophet of the Adventist church prophesied the Ark would be rediscovered and that the tables of the law would be shown to the world to give Christians a final chance to choose God’s authority over the commandments of men. (See more in ‘Open letter to Adventists regarding Ron Wyatt‘)

Ron Wyatt at the excavation site.

Both Judaism and Adventists have these prophecies about the Ark resurfacing in the end times. Interestingly enough, Ron Wyatt’s mother was of Jewish descent but the family became Adventists.

By choosing an Adventist to find the Ark, God intervenes and answers to the confusion in the world today. With thousands of denominations, God chooses one man from only one of them. This does not mean Adventism has got everything right or is doing everything right, it simply means that Adventism is more right than the others are, or right on the most important parts. The advent movement had claimed to be given the commission to share the three angels’ message in Revelation 14 to prepare all people for Christ’s second coming, the testimony of the Ark of The Covenant is part of this message. If they are given the trust to share the last part of this message, it strengthens their claim they were the ones who shared the first parts as well.

How can God have a protestant evangelical, or even Catholic, enter the chamber with the Ten Commandments if they are in rebellion against that very same law? If they are telling people they can freely change it and even break it without consequences? God could not do that as it would just add to the confusion. Nor could He use someone who did not understand the message behind the Testimony of the Ark.

The Ark Settles The Argument

In the Bible, there was once a dispute over who was at that time chosen to be God’s priests and leaders. Some claimed they were a better fit than the others or wanted to be perceived as equally chosen as those chosen. To settle this dispute once and for all, God had them all take a rod representing their tribe:

“Speak unto the children of Israel, and take of every one of them a rod according to the house of their fathers” (Num.17:2)

All were to be taken before the Ark of the Covenant and the next day only one bloomed and had fruit.

“And Moses laid up the rods before the LORD in the tabernacle of witness. And it came to pass, that on the morrow Moses went into the tabernacle of witness; and, behold, the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was budded, and brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds” (Num 17:7-8)

In this God settled the debate on who He had chosen to represent His truth.

The line of Aaron was once chosen to teach the children of Israel and to keep them from deception. Jesus became the new priest, but he also elected priests on earth: “And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen” (Rev 1:6)

The rod of Aaron belonged not just to Aaron but to his family and descendants. Similarly, the rod belongs to Christ now, but the rod in Christ’s hands also gives authority to Christ’s chosen preachers. When we attack those God has chosen, we try to break the rod in Christ’s hands.

God has done a similar power move in our day where thousands of Christian denominations all claim to be the ones chosen to speak on God’s behalf and represent Him and His truth. Churches all in some form or another have incorporated Christ’s name into their name. God chose only one man from all the thousands of church denominations to go before the Ark and to tell the truth about God’s great testimony to mankind. Cleverly God passed on the archeologists and chose a nurse, again testifying that the discovery of the Ark of The Covenant is not about the unearthing of an ancient artifact but about healing the sick. It is a cure for the disease of sin and confusion, not an archeological artifact.

The Ark of the Covenant was used to settle a similar dispute in Biblical times, and God has done it again in our time. The end time is described as “Babylon”, a word meaning “confusion”. Because there are so many voices preaching Christ, all interpreting scripture differently, many think that the truth is lost or that the truth is somehow everything combined. God is showing this is not the case and that He is always making sure there is someone to represent His truth at all times. The Bible confirms this as well.

God is settling the dispute and He is saying by it that the truth-teller among the Christians, is the one keeping God’s law and the faith of Jesus together. Further, he is supporting the Adventist understanding of end-time prophecy. For years Christians have cried out over all the confusion, even blaming God, for the divisions within Christianity. Atheists are mocking the Christians because of all the disagreements and fighting. The Papacy is claiming the chaos of the protestants and evangelicals can only be cured by them returning to the Catholic Church.

Yet when God settles it and helps us navigate in the confusion, invites one man from one of the denominations before the throne of the lamb, many decide to reject it because it did not suit them that Adventism was right. This shows that it is not God who is at fault for all the confusion and scattering, but man himself who opposes His testimony to them. They resist the Spirit’s guidance and choose to follow their own hearts.

The Bible warns: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Pro 3:5). 

In the Bible, we see another similar conflict situation. When Babylon had destroyed Jerusalem there was only a remnant of Israel left. They were confused about what to do and where to go. Jeremiah had been hated for quite some time, but now they realize he was right. So they wanted Jeremiah to ask God on behalf of them: “And said unto Jeremiah the prophet, Let, we beseech thee, our supplication be accepted before thee, and pray for us unto the LORD thy God, evenfor all this remnant; (for we are left buta few of many, as thine eyes do behold us:) That the LORD thy God may shew us the way wherein we may walk, and the thing that we may do” (Jer.42:2-3)

However, it became quickly apparent that they were only willing to go or do what God wanted if God said what they wanted to hear, what they had imagined in their hearts was of the truth and the spirit speaking.

This shows how when we are deceived we might consider ourselves more sincere than we truly are. They said to Jeremiah: “Whether it be good, or whether it be evil, we will obey the voice of the LORD our God, to whom we send thee; that it may be well with us, when we obey the voice of the LORD our God” (Jer 42:6) Ten days later God replied through Jeremiah, and they did not like the answer they were given. It was not what they thought the truth was and now they had to deal with the confrontation that what they believed was the spirit of God speaking to them, had in fact been a self-deception. Instead of repenting, they attacked the messenger and treated him as the enemy wishing to lead them into captivity and death: “And it came to pass, that when Jeremiah had made an end of speaking unto all the people all the words of the LORD their God, for which the LORD their God had sent him to them, even all these words, Then spake Azariah the son of Hoshaiah, and Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the proud men, saying unto Jeremiah, Thou speakest falsely: the LORD our God hath not sent thee to say, Go not into Egypt to sojourn there: But Baruch the son of Neriah setteth thee on against us, for to deliver us into the hand of the Chaldeans, that they might put us to death, and carry us away captives into Babylon. So Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces, and all the people, obeyed not the voice of the LORD, to dwell in the land of Judah” (Jer 43:1-4). 

The important to take from this situation is how God plainly told them that if they wanted His protection, they needed to stay in Judah. However, they demanded God protect them in Egypt instead. God would not do that, He protects on His conditions. God does not convert to man but asks man to convert to Him. This is for man’s own safety. So even if we think that if God settles the debate on what Christian denomination tells the truth by a great sign, most will not follow it as it does not suit their ideas. Even if they say: “if God sends us a messenger we will listen”, when He does, they won’t listen after all. Here is the truth about the Ark of The Covenant discovery, through it, God has offered help to the confused Christian world and pointed to those whom God has chosen to tell them the truth about Christ’s atonement and His second coming.

Today evangelicals and protestants use the same scare arguments and claim going back to God’s law is going to lead them into captivity and death. So they chose to continue rebelling thinking this is God’s will and that He will protect them in this state. Revelations 15, 16 & 18 show this is not the case. No one in open rebellion against God’s law will escape the plagues in the end times. The Adventist warning is life-saving, not leading them to captivity and death.

Adventist apostasy and the result of their rejection of Ron Wyatt

Being different and being hated was tough on the Adventist movement. And in part, it resulted in them adjusting some of their beliefs to get approval and acceptance among other Christian denominations. They stopped calling people “out of Babylon”, and in large part stopped their God-ordained mission to prepare the world for Christ’s second coming.

The world has entered the church as it has in all the other denominations causing immoral and confusion among its members. They decided to an organization like “other churches”, to be more like them, losing their strength as a preaching movement through it.

Although Adventists were further on the reformation back to God’s standard, they halted their progress and even took steps back. They became lukewarm and lost their zeal and many became hypocrites flattering themselves they kept God’s law while breaking it even more than the other churches. The result was that the Adventist leaders started pushing away, silencing, or bullying those who continued to share the Advent message with zeal, even kicking them out of the church. On the other side came unloving and fanatic fundamentalists, and the two groups of liberals and conservatives started attacking each other.

For many years Adventists have joined ecumenical gatherings as well as being highly infiltrated by Jesuit priests who regard Adventism as a threat to Popery. Their task was to change Adventist prophetic understanding and bring chaos and conflict to the church.

Being led to believe their doctrines all come from Ellen White and the great campaign to claim her to be a false prophet, has made many Adventists question their faith. In addition, they are discouraged from reading the very books that prove to them the historical grounds behind their doctrines.

The result is that even many Adventists don’t know what to believe, or why they believe what they believe. The apostasy entering the church as well as the fear of “being different” and being persecuted, also had its effect on the Adventist leadership. Ultimately, even though it was prophesied someone would come and find the Ark, they decided to reject Ron Wyatt’s testimony. They wanted to honor official archaeologists, even evolutionists, and other evangelical archaeologists, to maintain acceptance in the field and in the world. If the Ark could not be their trophy, they would not believe it.

They did not want more stigma or mocking. The result of the leadership rejecting Ron Wyatt was that the majority of Adventists chose to reject him as well, leading Ron to be outcasted by the Adventist good society. Both liberals and conservatives joined forces in rejecting Ron Wyatt’s testimony. In reality, they rejected Christ’s testimony. Christ has been rejected before by enemies uniting to attack him. At Christ’s first coming the competing Pharisees and Sadducees came together against Christ.

This is not Ron Wyatt’s message, it is Christ’s message. It is Christ that is despised and rejected once again. Ron was just the messenger.

Only a part of the church received Ron’s good tidings. Ron himself was heartbroken over the treatment he received from the church, not for himself, but because God had wanted the church to help share the Testimony of Christ to the world. Ron Wyatt was left with little means and help, and in the end, it cost his life.

Ron Wyatt tried to engage the leaders of the Adventist church early on. This is a letter written
by one of the elders after Ron had held a presentation for them.
The man they wrote to was the Adventist archeologist William Shea who at first was willing to work with Ron only if he had full control. It did not end well and his influence resulted in part in the Adventist church’s rejection of Ron’s testimony.

Because of how Ron was treated, many who are sharing Ron’s discoveries today claim Ron was not an Adventist or that he left Adventism. Yet Ron kept the Adventist faith and prophetic understanding of the Advent pioneers until his death. Many Christians today go from church denomination to church denominations all depending on how they are treated. However, throughout time there have been great conflicts among God’s people. Among the Jews in Christ’s day, there were hypocrites, fanatics, liberals, conservatives, and independent preachers. As long as the world is under Satan’s rule, conflict will arise both outside the churches as well as inside. The more truth a church has, the more Satan attacks it. The more a church becomes apostate, the less protected they are. And so Christ said that there is no church free of problems, for the wheat and the tares will grow together till Christ returns and separates them (Mat 13:24-30). Ron did not change his beliefs because he was treated badly by his church, he believed they needed revival. And during Ron’s last months, he said heartbroken: “His people weren’t ready,” and said that perhaps when he is gone they will be forced to not focus on him as a person, but on the message instead.

The Adventist church was not finished reforming.

Reformation to God is a process lasting till Christ’s second coming. However, after halting and even in part backtracking, God was forced to use an Adventist lay worker instead of the leadership to discover the Ark. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the official Adventist church has changed some of its doctrines and prophetic understanding. Its original spiritual gifts are still seen in the early writings of Adventists and are still followed by a minority within Adventism, and Ron Wyatt was one of them. Its members still continue to go to church on the original Sabbath and eat mostly kosher. Their original prophetic understanding of the end times is still only voiced by them. Meaning there is no other church you can go to that interprets the last years of Earth’s history the same way as the Adventist church. Another important reform they did was helping people understand that “hell” is not what the Catholic church or evangelical movements say it is. The consequence is eternal, not the torture. The sinner will die and be no more, not exist in an underworld.

More unique is also that they are among the few churches proclaiming that there will be no third temple in Jerusalem and that God has not chosen the modern state of Israel to be His priests’ to the world. The Jew’s priestly election ended after the 70 weeks of Daniel 9 and the last week is not to be cut off and placed into the future.  

God chose a man with Adventist beliefs to enter before Christ’s earthly throne. When the state of Israel sent in six levittes to approach the Ark they could only come as far as halfway before God killed all six men in the tunnel. Here God made a big statement and revealed a great truth.

The Ark is a sign to follow

God is using the Ark to mark the way.

The Ark of The Covenant was more than a seat for atonement. It was also what was to lead people to God’s “rest”. The entering of Canaan is in the bible compared to Christians entering the heavenly promised land. When Israel crossed the Jordan River to the promised land, the Ark was to go before them and make a way for them in the powerful stream so they could walk over. The river had a strong current, it pulled people towards the sea. In the case of the Jordan River, it leads to the Dead Sea where no animal life can survive. They were not supposed to swim over or take a boat over, to prevent them from drifting off course. They were to follow the Ark who then would make a way for them in the river. In the same way, the Ark of the Covenant is a sign to people today and is leading the way in the chaos of the world, helping people to prepare for Christ’s second coming. One of those messages the throne of God sends to man today, is that it points towards the original advent faith as practiced by Ron Wyatt. If a Christian wishes to be prepared for the final events, they need to study early Adventist prophetic studies.

Furthermore, the angel guarding the Ark confirmed this contains the correct understanding of the end conflict by using words only understandable and taught by Adventist prophecy.

What happens when those called to go will not go?

The result of the majority of Adventists rejecting Ron Wyatt resembles situations we have seen throughout history.

One such example is how the Jews were elected to share the gospel with the world because they had the law and the prophets. They were chosen because they were the most equipped and closest to God’s truth of all nations. When they rejected Christ and his disciple’s testimonies, and the pagans started accepting the gospel instead, it led to doctrinal confusion.

Christ and the cross were compared to pagan thinking and traditions instead of the Old Testament. Paul was misunderstood as well. The result of this apostasy led to the rise of the pagan-Christian Roman papacy, and the cross was abused and misunderstood.

When the Adventist church rejected Ron Wyatt’s testimony and failed to do their task to use this to reach people through the three angels’ messages in Revelation 14, it was received by evangelicals who had the wrong understanding of scripture and prophecy. Thus Adventists’ rejection of Ron has led to the discoveries being presented together with false doctrines. A lot of the time evangelicals are even ignorant and unaware that they have a false understanding, and they have taken the discovery to heart and made it fit with their views. Thus the discovery that was meant to point to the truth now is presented with lies.

Unfortunately, this is what will happen when the people God chooses to go, do not go. He needed the Adventists to go to help people understand end times, end time deceptions, and end time preparation, correctly. This was the spirit and power of the third message the church was assigned to preach to their fellow Christians to save them from deceptions. He needed Adventists to go and share it to get people “out of Babylon”, the religious confusion (Rev.18). He needed Adventists to go and share it with the right understanding of the Mark of the Beast. Now because they did not, many evangelicals have taken it upon them to share it and they are currently mixing it with a false understanding of the beast and its mark.

The truth is still evident as God has not allowed one single one of the protestants and evangelicals who reject His law to enter before the Ark of the Covenant to this very day. Some have even paid the Israeli government to try and make their way in, but God has not allowed them to succeed.

Some close to Ron who accepted the law and only refuted the testimony of the Adventist prophetic gift, were also denied when trying to enter the chamber.

Thus God’s testimony is clear even when the discoveries of Ron Wyatt are thrown into the chaos of the Christian world to be used and abused just like Christ’s name and His cross have been before it. Just like the Bible is used and abused, and the testimony of the disciples is used and abused. This is Satan’s tactic throughout history, and naturally, he does the same with the Testimony of the Ark.  

However, God’s throne remains and tells the truth faithfully. No matter what Satan tries to do, there is one thing he can not do. He can have his men pretend to be spokesmen for the gospel, to cite the Bible, Satan even once quoted the Bible to try and fool Christ. But he can not decide who will approach God’s throne on earth, the Ark of the Covenant. Here we have certainty, that only the one accepted by God can enter. Everyone else will die before making it there or will be hindered in some way.

The Ark tells the truth about God’s authority, and about what sin is, as it contains the law of God. The law of God is what confirms Christ’s kingship. You can not rule without a law. Law and authority is the same thing, it can not be separated. God’s law is His authority. If a country has no law, neither will it have a justice system.

The mercy seat has Christ’s blood upon it, which witnesses the atonement for our sins. That Christ is the Son of God, and our King and Savior. The two are a fulfillment of Revelation 14:12 witnessing true Christianity in the end time has to have both, but it has to have something else as well.

God’s chosen messengers are always a continuation of the last messenger movement or a remnant of it. When the Jews were chosen he did not choose a different people when they failed. Instead, he chose remnants of Jews, who are the authors of the New Testament. This is mostly because if God does not move forward with the remnant of the remnant truth is lost along the way. This is in part why God could not choose someone from the messianic movement. Work God had done, and understandings He had given to the Advent movement would be lost. This means that God either has to backtrack on truth or start all over if he does not choose a remnant from His chosen church. The Bible is clear on how God leads a work forward and shows that God consistently chooses among the faithful of the last chosen or the last reformers rather than picking someone from a different background. Thus he would rather have Paul, a Pharisee who had persecuted his people, convert him to preach to the heathens rather than a heathen do it.

Should God have chosen a Messianic instead?

There is one more growing movement that believes we should keep the commandments of God as it is written in the Bible together with the faith in Christ. The messianic movement was very little at the time Ron Wyatt discovered the Ark, but have since grown fairly big.

Should God have picked a messianic instead of an Adventist?

Again, God is not the order of chaos. God will continue with the people he has chosen and who have already done the first part of the assignment. The messianic faith is unfortunately not always what it claims to be. Its doctrines are different depending on the messianic church. However it is claimed to be apostolic, it is not free of deception. A lot of the prophetic understandings of the Messianic movement are just taken from the evangelical movement and given a Jewish term.

It’s sort of a clever way of whitewashing false evangelical doctrines. In addition, a lot of the prophetic understanding of this movement comes from Rabbinic Judaism as well. Some of these misunderstood beliefs were the reason Christ was rejected the first time, but now they are brought back and part of the messianic belief about Christ’s second coming instead. You could say, that no lessons have been learned from history in this regard. Because messianic prophetic doctrines are so similar to other modern protestants and evangelicals, many find the transition to the Messianic movement easier than to Adventism. The Messianic movement also follows their evangelical past and many speak forcefully against Adventism and its doctrines. How can a group that keeps the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus not be the truth-bearers? Mainly because the doctrines and prophetic understandings of this movement are adopted from other believers. It is therefore come in through the back door.

Popular Messianics present a false understanding of the end times, leading people to enter the final events in a confused state, as things won’t happen as they have been taught. The insecurity will lead to many making the wrong decisions. Many Messianics preach that modern Jews are still God’s chosen people, they preach a third temple, they preach that God is part of what the modern State of Israel is currently doing, which is all false. In addition, they scare people from seeking the truth, by attacking the Adventist faith.

Knowing about the rise of the Messianic movement, God still chose an Adventist because he had the right understanding of prophecy. Again, God is not the order of chaos, which is why He has brought one man from one denomination, in front of the Ark . We should thank God for this point of direction, for his help to navigate in the chaos, rather than fight it or twist the truth. Keeping God’s commandments and the faith of Jesus together is important, however, if we do that and have the wrong understanding of prophecy, we will fail to prepare or to assist God’s plan.

The biggest mistake the Messianic movement has made is not considering that God has always had a people throughout history. A remnant of a remnant of a remnant, and that truth is there. God has always had a people representing him in each age. Going from evangelical churches or Jewish synagogues directly to modern Messianism causes them to lose an important part of God’s people’s experiences and revelations.

The same goes for Adventists who instead of continuing reforming have backtracked towards evangelicals and protestants who in return have backtracked back towards Catholicism.

At the end of the day, “though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing” (1.Cor.13:2). Thus even a Catholic can be closer to the truth than someone who has the right understanding of prophecy, but is not sanctified or practice it correctly. Of this is the Jews in Christ’s time the greatest example. If you have “the law and the prophets” but not true love for God and your neighbor, you do not have the law in reality, only the illusion of it.

Adventism therefore can only give you the theory to navigate through the confusion, but only God can give us the truth and a new heart. Many Adventists will be lost when Christ returns, even whole churches, just like other churches. And among those saved, there will be those who did not have the theory but were guided by and faithful to the Spirit with the knowledge they had. No church saves, only Christ saves. Christ will not ask for members lists from either the Adventist church or any other church to find out who should join Him. He has his own book, the “Book of Life”, written in heaven.

As the discoveries of Ron Wyatt are gaining more popularity in the evangelical world, the hatred towards Adventism has caused people to testify falsely about Ron thinking they do God a service.

They want the discoveries, the power of God, the evidence of His throne, and miracles, to be placed together with their faulty understanding of prophecy and their theology. By removing Ron Wyatt from his Adventist belief, they can move the discoveries over to the evangelical and messianic movements instead, which share a similar end-time understanding of key points.

The fact remains so far; messianics have tried to enter the chamber with the Ark and God would not let them. A messianic team tried to drill their way into the tunnel leading to the Ark, and the drill broke and remained in the rock there as a standing witness that God would not be mocked.

We can not persuade God to change his doctrines to those of our likening. If we hate the truth when presented with it, God will not change, it is we who must change. Thus the last twenty years, Lutherans, baptists, Messianics, Pentecostals, Jews, Levites, and apostate Adventists have all tried to enter the chamber with the Ark and been stopped in various ways. Twice drilling to the chamber has been stopped. God has caused severe back pain to others, rock slides, blindness, omens of warning, interruption by others and the list goes on. The only ones we so far know were killed in the attempt were the six Levite soldiers. With everyone else, God mildly hindered them but they were greatly offended by that.

God’s witness

Let us therefore consider God’s witness, follow the Ark’s lead, and do not as the men who approached Jeremiah who claimed they would follow God wherever He leads and then rejected the message when they received their answer because it did not suit them.

Understanding we have been deceived is tough on the heart and the mind. It causes anxiety, and temporary confusion and might take time to process. In that space, we need to remember that God leads everyone from where they are. He meets the catholic where he is, he meets the evangelical where he is, he meets the protestant where he is, an apostate Adventist where he is, the jew where the jew is, and the Muslim where the Muslim is. God answers prayers in the hope of guiding us to repentance and reformation. Just because God meets us in the church we are in, blesses us, and answers our prayers it does not mean we are where God wants us to be. An answer to a personal prayer is not a confirmation of our superiority or holiness. It is a sign of God’s mercy towards His children, nothing else. Some use answers to prayers to gain followers or to make people listen to them. But it is at worst a foolish manipulating deception. God answering our prayers tells us something about who He is, not about who we are. God heard the cries from the ungodly in Sodom, he heard the heathens cry for rain and gave it, and he healed his people’s enemy from leprosy simply because he came to Him for help (Matthew 5:45, Gen_18:20-21, Gen_18:20). At the time he was healed he was still an idolater but Naaman did not look upon his answer to prayer as God condoning his life, rather he saw it as Gods mercy spite his life and was moved to seek a change. He will hear the prayers of anyone calling upon Him, even if they are deceived. Christ even told His people to show love and patience towards their enemies.

He loves humans, He is patient, He tries to reach us until there is nothing more He can do.

Christ’s presence in our lives is to lead us from wherever He finds us back to Him. If we are sincerely searching for truth, Christ will walk with us every step from deception and darkness till we reach our destination. He takes our hand to guide us while we are still in the dark. The hand is not evidence that we are where we should be. No man or woman on this earth is where they should be spiritually. No teacher represents the end of anyone’s road. God’s true servants and messengers know their place on the side of the road urging people to continue where they will meet the next messenger. The reform is perfect when it is constantly moving forward. Yet many who feel they have had Christ in their lives are scared when they realize they are not where God needs them to be and question if God has been there at all when confronted. They conclude that either they keep their belief in Christ where they are, or they will lose faith in their experience and abandon their faith. Because of this, many fail to move forward. This is why it is crucial to understand that Christ can be there for us even when we are deceived or partly blinded. And the call to reform is a sign of Christ’s mercy, not wanting us to be left behind, not a sign of judgment.

In no way should we look upon answers to prayers in our daily lives as evidence that we are in the right church. That is not how truth works. The only truth revealed by it is that God loves the sinner, and is patient with the sinner, the deceived, and the confused. And he will try His best to establish a relationship with us no matter where we are. From there we need to continue that walk forward towards His truth and salvation as He corrects our path.

Now at a time in earth’s history where information flow has exploded and left people in apathy looking distressed on where to go and what to believe, God has left a light on in the darkness. A word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And that light tells us where the truth is found today. Its message is the same as the one in Revelation 14:12. And that testimony should count for more than what we have been told by other pastors and teachers. Adventism has been mocked and called a sect, yet God gave an Adventist the highest honor in our time. A movement being harassed is not a sign of God’s displeasure, it can also be a sign of spiritual battles. Christ was slandered and claimed to do and believe things He didn’t, and so will His true church and His followers (Joh_15:20). And the lie has been working. That is why the majority of Jews rejected Christ because they believed what they had been told by their pastors and leaders. Adventism is not pure, it has not continued its reformation, but its spiritual gifts were given to the faithful among them and they were blessed with the truth. A remnant there is still faithful.

The Ark of The Covenant, the throne of the Lamb, confirms they initially told the truth and were ordained to shout out the three messages of Revelation 14 to prepare people for Christ’s second coming. They are the John the Baptist of our day.

“And they commanded the people, saying, When ye see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests the Levites bearing it, then ye shall remove from your place, and go after it” (Jos 3:3)

The Ark represents God’s leadership, His throne. God is pointing to the truth amid the lies, is about Him exercising leadership and providing spiritual awakening and spiritual food for his displaced and scattered sheep.

Shall I go to an Adventist church?

The state of the Adventist church is right now in part a spiritual warzone with spiritual wounded everywhere. Especially in the West, while remaining more pure and strong in other countries. It was prophesied to this church that it would apostate and become lukewarm and take part in the sins of this world. It is advised to not necessarily expect a good spiritual church if visiting one. Many Adventist churches will perish. It is also possible to come to a warm and good church. Many churches have great blessings from God and are good places to find friendships. Therefore pray earnestly for God’s leading and remember we are in the final years of this earth’s existence and tribulations are all over. Those who have been close to the truth and abandoned their faith will be even more influenced by Satan than those who never knew the truth. This is why sometimes people might find non-Christians kinder and more emphatic than people inside different Christian denominations.

Therefore in all you do, ask God for council.

The story of an Adventist church in Africa facing a hunger crisis. God intervenes and sends them manna keeping them fed through their country’s difficulties.

Adventists are chosen to finish the work

Therefore it is important for everyone to know this fact. God has chosen Adventists to finish His work on bringing the testimony of the Ark out to the world. God has not given the work to any other congregation or people. This final message is the end of the three angels’ message, it is the end of the Advent message to the world.

The first was calling people to prepare for Christ’s second coming. Then a call to return back to God’s law and to leave the churches that reject God’s authority. The final call to the world is the testimony from the Ark. It is the end of a series of messages preparing the way of the Lord. Therefore those who share it without the former messages are leading people the wrong way.

Adventist magazine from 1861 with the Ark on the logo. The Advent movement began proclaiming The Day of Atonement in heaven, Christ coming before the Ark in heaven. It ends with the High Priest bringing attention to the blood at the altar on earth (Lev 4:7, 16:18-19.24). The Ark of the Covenant discovery is the last of a series of events tied to the preparation for Christ’s second coming. The Ark can not be separated from its entire message, it is part of a sequence of end-time events.

Useful links:

To read Ron Wyatt’s understanding of end times, read this book:

The Great Controversy PDF (external link)

To see that Adventist doctrines are a continuation of protestant pioneers read this book:

Daniel and Revelation PDF (external link)

(Both books were published in the 19th century and show Adventisms original prophetic understanding but do not necessarily harmonize with all individual modern-day adventist churches)

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